In several editions in print and on the internet it is quite easy to find information about problems with the male potency. There are available, and the options for its growth and improvement. But similar to female situations does not say much. In this you need to understand. Folk remedies to increase libido in women - one of the options, which can help the female libido. The last depends on a variety of factors. This is the age, the change of the time, interrupted the menstrual cycle, families and workers in difficulty, depression, stress, pregnancy, various diseases, bad habits in the face of smoking and alcohol consumption, in general everything that can affect your psychology and the physiology. It is already a fact. The presence of problems rarely makes happy a woman in bed.

The reasons for the decline of sexual desire in women
Before embarking on the use of folk remedies to strengthen the female sexual desire, it is necessary to understand exactly what type of situation led to its weakening. This will help you to solve the problem in the most efficient way. The doctors have come to the conclusion that there are 2 main reasons:
- psychological;
- physiological.
The physiological factors include:
- diabetes mellitus;
- pregnancy;
- disorders of the hormonal system;
- diseases of the genitourinary system;
- a variety of chronic diseases;
- the period of breast-feeding;
- pathology of the cardiovascular system;
- bad habits;
- the lack of physical activity;
- the excess of weight.
Among the psychological causes that have led to a weakening of the female libido are:
- fatigue. The sexual act is an energy-consuming event, eating a lot of force. Many women work, take care of the household, the care of the children. And at the end of the day the only thing that they want to do - go to sleep;
- the various complexes. Some women are unhappy with their appearance or body shape. In this case, they will experience a sense of oppression and fear of undressing in front of men. The presence of such complexes make the process of obtaining fun is impossible;
- problems at work, at home, during courtship for the children. Nature has it that a woman emotionally more perceived negative situations. And as soon as there is any problem, the female brain begins to work only in search of ways to solve it;
- misunderstandings in the relationship with a man. This is the psychological cause is the most common. Every little argument violates the psychological state of a fair lady;
- the period of post-natal depression.

What are the symptoms indicate that the woman decreased the level of libido?
- Regular declarations of intimacy;
- irritability, nervousness, emotional instability;
- reduction of the sensitivity or complete its absence during orgasm;
- the reduction in the number of vaginal lubrication;
- insensitivity point G;
- psychological problems in a relationship with a man.
Popular ways to increase female libido
The use of a variety of infusions and decoctions allows you to normalize the sexual function of women. Improve the metabolism of the body, increase the body's sensitivity and the level of libido.
Damiano, coriander, creeping, juniper, parsley, bay leaves
These most effective herbs are is creeping. It increases the production of sex hormones. From the dried roots of the grass, made the broth, and increases the libido.
The herb increases the sensitivity of erogenous zones, activates the metabolism and increases the concentration of sex hormones. This spice it is recommended to eat together with honey. In addition to this is added the cinnamon in sweets, coffee, tea.
Flax seeds
Contain a large amount of nutrients, thanks to which you eliminate depression, improve sleep and the psychological state.
The grass gives the woman a relaxing effect, which makes it more sensitive to the touch.
The bark of poplar
To increase libido you need to make her a tincture:
- blend 200 gr. the dried bark;
- pour the vodka (500 ml);
- the maceration time is 7 days;
- dye accepted, 2 times a day 15 drops.
Rhodiola rosea root (golden)
Used in the form of alcoholic extract of an hour prior to sex. It is enough to drink two tablespoons, and the proximity to remember the pleasant memories. This is only arterial hypertension Rhodiola can take.
Recipe infusion of horsetail:

- horsetail - 3 tablespoons;
- hazelnuts - 2 tablespoons;
- infused at 500 ml. of water;
- leave to rest for half an hour and then filter;
- you need to drink 2-3 times per day for 15 sips.
The recipe decoction of st. john's wort:
- st. john's wort - 2 tablespoons;
- pour the herb with boiling water (250 ml.);
- infusion of 1 hour;
- drain;
- drink 3 times a day for 50 ml.
Recipe broth pasternak:
- grind 4 tablespoons of the roots;
- add 6 hours tablespoons of sugar;
- add 250 ml. of water;
- boil the broth on low heat for 15 minutes;
- infusion for 3 hours;
- drink 1 tablespoon. spoon 3 times daily before meals.
Recipe for the preparation of hops:
- shreds of hop cones - 1 tablespoon;
- pour cones of warm water - 1 glass;
- cook for 5 minutes on low heat;
- drink 2 times a day for 0.5 cups for 1 month.
Recipe infusion of ginseng:
- the root of the plant - 100 gr.;
- let it rest for 1 day in 0.5 litres of water;
- then boil the root of 4 hours over a slow fire;
- add 1 tbsp. spoon of honey and cinnamon;
- drink an infusion each day, 2 times 100 ml after meals.
Recipe broth of dubrovnik:
- grass dubrovnik - 5 hours spoons;
- add in a glass of boiling water;
- let simmer for 5 minutes;
- infusion of 1 hour;
- drink 3 times a day 50 ml. prior to eating.
The recipe decoction of nettle:
- pour 1 cup of boiling water 1 tablespoon of grass;
- insist 25 minutes;
- drink the broth before eating.
Recipe broth calamus:
- take 1 tbsp. tablespoon of dried roots of calamus ordinary;
- pour boiling water (200 ml.);
- for 30 minutes;
- drink 3 times a day for 50 ml. half an hour before a meal.
Recipe of tincture of thyme:
- 1 tablespoon of the dried flowers and the grass poured a glass of boiling water;
- the maceration time - 40 minutes;
- drink during the day;
- the course of treatment up to 6 months, drink the infusion of 1 every 3 days.
Recipe of tincture of wild yam n ° 1:
- pour 1 cup of hot water 1.5 gr. chopped root of the plant;
- cook in a bain-marie for 30 minutes;
- insist - 45 minutes;
- filtered;
- drink 1 tablespoon. spoon 3 times a day after meal;
- the treatment is designed for 7 days of regular intake, then take a break for a week, then the course is repeated.
Recipe of tincture of wild yam n ° 2:
- pour boiling water 10 gr. chopped root of the plant;
- to pierce the liquid on a low heat for 20 minutes;
- insist 3 hours;
- drink a quarter cup of 6 times per day.
Recipe of tincture of wild yam n ° 3:
- chop 100 gr. the root of the plant;
- pour vodka (0.5 l);
- let stand for 10 days in a dark place;
- then strain and drink 25 drops 3 times a day, 30 minutes after the meal;
- the treatment lasts for 30 days.
Recipe for the preparation of the powder of wild yam:
- grind the root of a plant in the powder state;
- eat a third of a teaspoon 3 times a day after meals;
- powder seizes 1 teaspoon of honey;
- the admission to the course is 10 days, a break of 5 days;
- slide 4 course.
Recipe for the preparation of the passionflower:
- 1 teaspoon chopped dry grass pour boiling water (about 100-150 ml.);
- the maceration time to 20 minutes;
- drink filtered through a gauze;
- drink the tea every day for 1 cup 1 hour before bedtime.
Recipe of tincture of passionflower:
- pour a glass of boiling water 2 leaves of plants of medium size;
- the maceration time is 20 minutes;
- then you need to remove the leaves;
- drink the infusion 1 teaspoon 5 times per day;
- the course of treatment - 30 days.
Recipe of tincture of leonurus:
- pour 1 cup of boiling water 15 gr. chopped herbs;
- insist until the drink cools down;
- drain;
- drink 2 tablespoons. spoon 3 times a day.
Foods to increase female libido
Thanks to a correct diet, it is possible to obtain a quick and effective way to improve the sexual desire. There are a large number of products that help the woman to achieve this goal:

- bananas. These fruits have bromelain - an enzyme that breaks down proteins, improves the action on the body of other enzymes, activates the process of digestion and increases the level of libido. In addition, the ingredients of bromelain are potassium and vitamin D. These substances increase the production of sex hormones. Bananas allow you to recover spent energy body;
- oysters. Very strong aphrodisiac, that includes the enzyme dopamine increases the sexual desire;
- avocado. Fruit increases the libido thanks contained potassium. And another ingredient is folic acid promotes the metabolism of proteins;
- chocolate black. The product activates the production of endorphins. These substances improve mood and have an impact on the work of the centres for the amusement, are found in the brain. In the following, the woman feels happy and excited;
- almonds. Increases libido because of enrichment in energy of the body;
- the garlic. Increased libido occurs under the action of allicin is an organic compound improves circulation in the pelvic area, increasing sensitivity of the erogenous zones genitals;
- asparagus. In the product a lot of vitamin E, which improves the production of sex hormones;
- figs. In it, a large amount of amino acids that strengthens the libido and sexual endurance;
- strawberry. It improves the circulation of the blood, which leads to an increase of libido;
- the parsley. The plant is a natural causative agent for both men and women;
- orange, tangerine, and lemon. These products contain a large amount of vitamin c, which is the more positive way of acting on the genitourinary system.
Recipes for sexual arousal very much.
For example, frayed with honey walnuts:
- the ingredients are in any amount;
- used a mixture of 2-3 times a day for two teaspoons.
We offer recipes to strengthen female sexuality on the basis of honey.
Recipe 1:
- 1 glass of honey;
- crushed dried apricots, nuts and prunes - 200 gr.;
- mix the ingredients;
- eat 2 times per day for 1 tablespoon. tablespoon before meals.
Recipe 2:
- honey may - 300 gr.;
- red wine - 500 ml.;
- the juice of aloe 100 ml.;
- mix the ingredients;
- 1 week should give them rest in the fridge;
- take 3 times a day for 1 tablespoon.spoon.
Recipe 3:
- 1 glass of carrot juice;
- 1 glass of honey;
- mix these products with each other;
- leave to rest for 1 day;
- eat 3 times per day for 30 ml. for half an hour before meals;
- mixture store in the refrigerator.

- raisins, prunes, dried apricots, cured figs - 200 gr.;
- walnuts - 20 pieces;
- blend all the ingredients and mix;
- obtained a homogeneous mass eat every day for 2 tablespoons.;
- you can drink yogurt or kefir.
- walnuts - 1 cup of the core;
- the goat's milk - 2 cups;
- every day there are nuts and drink the milk;
- eat this mixture for 1 month.